Saturday, July 22, 2006

About this Design

This clean and clear design took me no more than a few hours to do.

Yes, I can do some web design, but the reason why it's up so quick is because I used a template. They are in principle the same as those templates provided by Blogger, which are however pretty limited in choice.

You still need a minimal degree of basic HTML to adapt it to your own uses. The Blogger tags are fairly easy to setup. They can be theme to other blogging software such as Wordpress or Moveavle Type as well. If anyone is interested in giving their blogs a facelift, I will be happy to give some technical advice.

This Swedish designer Andreas Viklund is great! His designs is not only virtually beautiful but also technically very sound. Definitely of professional quality. Best of all, these templates are free to use! All the author asked of you is to give him proper credits. So do take a look at his offerings.

I must say that I am very pleased with the end product. Although, the tags are in a total mess under the hood. Hopefully, I can crank up enough determination to clean them up one day.

What about you? Do you like it? Found any bugs?
I would love to hear your thoughts and comments. :)

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Disclaimer: This blog is not intended to be authorative or clever in any way. It was based on rambling of a half crazed creature, so treat it as such and let it be! I was asked to keep my dangerous thoughts and unbalanced views all in one safe place , and so I did. Objectivity, Accuracy, Responsiblity and any High Standards are certainly not part of this blog's features. However, I must stress that I do not strive to mislead people, confuse people, and much less undermine our national strategy.